Digital Calendar and Morning Meeting

Can I let you in on a little secret? Mornings in the classroom stressed me…like seriously STRESSED me out! The bell would ring, and a wave of anxiety came rushing over me. I needed to find a morning routine that would bring calm to the classroom. That’s when I fell in love with our Digital Calendar and Morning Meeting routine! It’s like a little miracle each morning, and it lasts ALL year!

I was initially hesitant to give up my old calendar and morning meeting system, but I am SO HAPPY I did. The Digital Calendar and Morning Meeting allows me to customize what we are learning with practically no prep. I choose exactly which slides are right for us throughout the year. It really grows along with my students as they learn and get ready for more challenges. Any changes can be saved each day so it’s always ready for the next morning! Here are the skills we practiced throughout the year:

Calendar Skills

  • Morning Activity
  • Morning Message
  • Calendar
  • Month
  • Seasons
  • Date
  • Days of the Week
  • Daily Weather 
  • Thermometer
  • Weather Pictograph
  • Weather Data
  • Days of School Place Value
  • Days of School Ten Frames
  • Number of the Day
  • Money
  • Telling Time
  • Number Bond
  • Fact Families
  • Comparing Numbers
  • Comparing Expressions
  • Shape Sorting
  • Find My Rule
  • Patterns
  • Skip Counting
  • Counting Patterns
  • Doubles Facts
  • Addends of Ten
  • Number I Spy
  • Word Problems
  • Daily Schedule

I use Google Drive for our Digital Calendar and Morning Meeting but you can also use PowerPoint. By keeping it in edit mode, you can move everything with your students, and they can write on the slides. Just project it on your board and voila! It’s ready to go! The slides are interactive, fun, and perfect for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. 


If you’re using Google Slides, there’s an extension you can download to move the pieces while in presentation mode! Woohoo!

Digital Calendar and Morning Meeting Benefits

After starting our mornings with this routine for an entire year, I saw so many benefits for me and for my students! The consistency of the routine takes the stress out of the morning and makes calendar fun for everyone, including me!

The slides work for all kids, which is why they love them! I can choose activities to review skills if needed. I can also pick slides to enrich our learning or extend our thinking. Everyone can participate and feel included as we start our day!

Here are some of the best benefits:

  • Saves Instantly
  • Practically No Prep
  • Consistent for Students
  • Easy for a Sub
  • Use for Virtual Days
  • So Many Choices
  • Extra Practice 
  • Enrichment
  • Differentiated
  • Customizeable

I look forward to hearing how you and your students are enjoying a new morning routine! If you have questions or ideas, please let me know!

If you would like access to all of the slides now, I have them ready for you here.

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Picture of Emily Yerty

Emily Yerty

I’m a teacher who believes in creating a classroom kids love and activities that keep them engaged all day!

10 Responses

    1. Hi Colette,
      Morning tubs are activities that my students do after they unpack in the mornings. My tubs are filled with STEM activities and fine motor activities. It gives them the chance to work and play cooperatively before we start our day. It also gives me a few minutes to check folders, do attendance, etc. It’s definitely one of my favorite parts of the day.

    1. Hi Tracy,
      This will work perfectly for K. Some of the slides might be too advanced for the beginning of the year, but you can always pick and choose the ones that fit your kids!
      Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

  1. Is there anyway to convert this into a smart board presentation? It would be nice to have it in that format so that I don’t have to keep switching back and forth between google slides and smart board presentations.

    1. Hi Kristy,

      Thanks so much for the feedback. I’ve never had a Smartboard so I’ll have to do some research about that option. Thanks again!

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