Valentines Day Pizza My Heart Games for Sight Word Editable Practice Activities

Valentines Day Pizza My Heart Games for Sight Word Editable Practice Activities



Add some learning to your Valentine’s Day Activities! Kids LOVE playing Hide and Seek for alphabet practice or sight word practice! This Heart Shaped Pizza PowerPoint activity can be projected in your classroom so you can engage your students without printing or cutting anything!


Even if you’re not tech-savvy, this game is easy to play! Check out the preview for step by step directions and all the details!


Choose your favorite game:

• 3 lowercase letter games

• 3 uppercase letter games

• 4 sight word games (total of 50 different sight words)

•  Editable game to pick your own skills like numbers, names, or more!



  1. Open the PowerPoint and choose the game you want.
  2. Drag the pizza behind one of the pizza boxes. Click “present.”
  3. Kids guess a letter or word by reading it. Click on the top of the pizza box to make it disappear! It’s like magic! When the pizza appears, you have a winner!
  4. You can easily play again by moving the pizza to a new spot or picking a new game slide!


As always, please contact me with any questions!

Happy Teaching! 💜


Click on the product image to view the preview!

Valentines-Day-Pizza- My -Heart- Games -for- Sight -Word Editable Practice Activities


Can I play this game in Google?

You can play this game in Google, BUT it does not have the same animation features as PowerPoint.

Here are the steps to play in Google Slides:

1. Choose the game slide you want and duplicate it.

2. Hide the pizza behind one of the pizza boxes.

3. Keep the slide in edit mode and project or share your screen with students.

4. As students guess, delete the pizza boxes they choose.

Can I add my own words or pictures?

Yes. You can use the editable game to add your own words, numbers, letters, or images.

If I click on the words, it changes to the next slide. What’s wrong?

You need to click on the top of the pizza boxes to make them disappear. The text boxes are not animated so they won’t disappear. This allows you to keep track of the words or letters you’ve already guessed.

Is this game formatted for Seesaw?

No. Polka Dots Please Terms of Use allows for any products to be uploaded onto Seesaw, but this game requires animation features that do not currently work with Seesaw.


Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does).
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.



My students love these monthly themed hide and seek games. I love them because they are great review for my students.”


We loved using these activities in class as we prepared for Valentine’s Day! It was such a fun way to practice our words that we’ve been working on!”


Too cute and perfect for my pizza theme party!”

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