This Sound Wall with mouth pictures has EVERYTHING you need to support science of reading aligned instruction in your kindergarten, first grade, or 2nd grade classroom! Create a student friendly sound wall and display phonics posters that are perfect for any curriculum!
This resource also includes mini portable sound walls for students! Every poster has a real photograph and comes with options for rainbow fonts or black fonts!
⭐Here is everything included:
- Mouth Shape Cards for each phoneme with 3 options
- Over 200 Grapheme Posters
- Student Sound Walls
- Mini Phonics Anchor Charts
- Headers to create classroom displays
- Sound Locks
- Teacher Guide
- Printing Video
⭐Here are the posters included:
- Short vowels
a, e, i, o, u
Options for beginning and medial sounds
Options with or without symbols
- Long vowels
a, e, i, o, u
Options for beginning and medial sounds
Options with or without symbols
- Consonants
Options for multiple spellings
- Digraphs
ck, ch, sh, wh, ph, gh, ng, nk, th voiced and th unvoiced
- Trigraphs
scr, shr, spl, spr, squ, the, str, dge, tch
- Long A
Spelled a, ai, ay, a_e, ea, eigh, ei, ey
- Long E
Spelled e, ee, ea, e_e, ie, y, ey
- Long I
Spelled i, ie, i_e, igh, y
- Long O
Spelled o, oa, ow, o_e, oe
- Long U
Spelled u, u_e, ue, ui
- R controlled Vowels
Spelled ar, er, ir, ur, or, oar, ore
- L Blends
bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl
- R Blends
br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr
- S Blends
sc, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw
- W Blends
dw, tw
- Ending Blends
st, sk, sp, nd, ng, nt, nk, mp, rd, ld, lp, rk, lt, lf, pt, ft, ct, xt, lk
- Double Consonants
ll, ff, ss, zz, bb, dd, tt, cc, pp, rr, mm, nn
- Diphthongs
aw, au, augh, ew, oo, ou, oi, oy, ow, ou, air, are, ear, ere
- Silent Letters
kn, gn, wr, mb, st, le
- Schwa
a, e, i, o
Options with or without symbols
- Sounds of _ed
- Hard g and Soft g
- Hard c and Soft c
- Sounds of oo
- Sounds of y
- Locks to cover new skills
You can choose the skills that work best for your students! From PreK teachers who love the mouth shape cards to third grade teachers who can create instant spelling walls, this is a must for every classroom!
If you’re looking to save wall space, I’ve included a video tutorial to help you print just the posters you want at the exact size you need!
As always, please contact me with any questions!
Happy Teaching! 💜