Sight Words Practice with Decodable Sentences Fluency Flash Cards & Assessments

Sight Words Practice with Decodable Sentences Fluency Flash Cards & Assessments



Combine sight words practice and decodable sentences in one resource! These high frequency word flash cards help children read sight words in isolation and in decodable sentences! Every card helps readers improve their word recognition, fluency, and decoding skills! They are perfect for guided reading, reading lessons, and homework.


Click on the preview to see what makes these cards so special!

Reading research supports learning new sight words within a sentence.


What is included?

  • 400 sight word cards with decodable sentences
  • One page practice lists for home or school
  • Assessment checklists
  • Editable cards and lists


What words are included?

  • Each level includes 25 sight words that are commonly found in reading books, guided reading books and reading assessments
  • The decodable words follow a phonics progression from CVC words to multisyllabic words.


How can I use these in my classroom?

  • Use the cards when you introduce new sight words
  • Review cards as a warm-up for small groups
  • Give each student a ring of cards or word list to keep in his/her book bin
  • Send home cards or lists for families to practice at home


What do teachers love?

  • Practice sight words and decoding on each card
  • Quick assessments for each list
  • Take home lists (Levels are not printed on take home lists.)
  • No colored ink for printing or copying
  • Easy for differentiation
  • Editable option to create custom cards for students



As always, please contact me with any questions!

Happy Teaching! 💜


Click on the product to see the preview!




“This resource is AMAZING! I have been using the sight word cards each week for my students who are still learning how to read. We practice them together and the decodable sentences are an excellent addition to help the grasp meaning and see/read the word being used properly. I highly recommend!”


“These sight word cards will be perfect for small group and independent practice. I love that there are easily decodable sentences on each card with the option of a picture to help my struggling readers feel a bit more confident. Thank you!”


I loved being able to print multiple sets so I can have a set ready for each student with the level they are working on. I printed on colored cardstock. This works perfectly!”

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